Southern Pines
Southern Pines with Drake Avenue
Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this medium format film photoset taken by Drake Avenue
- 3 image mini set
Photo Gallery members now have access to:
- everything above
- 13 image photoset
- 6 BTS images
Video Gallery members now have access to:
- everything above
- 2 short BTS videos
- 7 aerial silks videos! (several 3 step descent videos – which is a hell of an ab workout, and videos of open & closed wraps)
First Look members now have access to:
- everything above
- 41 image film photoset of Bette Machete
- 9 image Instax photoset of Bette Machete
- 30 mins of BTS video from that shoot
Southern Pines with Drake Avenue