• Purplechrome pond with Drake Avenue

    Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:

    • blog post with the story behind this photoset taken by Drake Avenue 
    • 3 image mini set

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    • everything above
    • 10 image complete photoset
    • 9 image Instax set

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    • 3 short BTS clips
    • 28+ minute nude yoga video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 29 image double exposure photoset of Rhivnnun 
    • 7 minutes of BTS video
    • 13 image set of Sura on a pegasus float on a beach in Oregon
    • 8 minutes of BTS video

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  • The Mill

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  • Karolina Von

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  • Kara & V

    Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:

    • blog post with the story behind this photoset I took of Kara Perry & V (while she was pregnant!)
    • 5 image mini set

    Photo members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 33 image complete photoset

    Video members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 14 minutes of BTS video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 62 image photoset taken by Ambivalent Ann at Rooster Rock State Park outside of Portland Oregon
    • 35 minutes of BTS video
    • 32 image photoset of V, her partner, and their baby

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  • Kara & V

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  • Touch

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    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 19 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Hey yall! I just got home from modeling in my favorite abandoned house for a local photographer Bryan. Sadly we didn’t have enough time for me to take any self portraits but I’m going to share some with you from the archives from when I was there in October. =]

    This place has changed more since October than it ever has in the several years I’ve been going there. Some other people have found it and it seems like they’ve done some partying. They busted out all of the rest of the windows and shattered the remaining mirrors. They’ve put graffiti on the walls and this place has never had graffiti until now. They were creepy with a giant stuffed snake that they hung on the wall and put graffiti all around… this stuffed snake is like 12 foot long and they have the head hung about 8 feet off the ground in one of the bedrooms. It’s this weird stuffed “sculpture” thing that’s taller than me with the tail dragging on the ground. That was the worst part about all the changes the house has gone through since I’ve been there.  I know it’s a dirty old abandoned house but they didn’t have to ruin it with graffiti that says “I love xanax more than my parents” and a giant stuffed snake nailed to the wall. So much disrespect. I guess it just bothers me because I know how nice the house was a couple of years ago. I can’t expect it to stay the same forever though, that would be unreasonable and naive. At least I have photos from it’s “better” days when a peacock lived there, the mirrors were still intact, and only a few of the windows were broken. Yes, I just said a peacock lived there. We saw it!! (Once, when I went there with Sarah Voss, J.Noxious, and antisocialdisposition). There are still some feathers scattered around the house.

    Oh, I got my hair dyed purple & blue! I love it so much and really want to dye it ALL purple/blue but my day job won’t let me. I’m going to work on my manager though… I think I might hopefully be able to convince her to let me dye all of it. =D

    Self portraits from the archives at my favorite abandoned house:

    All of those windows are shattered now. Including 3 of the 4 skylights.

    There’s broken glass in this ivy now.

    The single garage door is gone now. Sorry, I’m totally a little bothered by these people ruining this place.

    New self portraits!!!

    These are just 20 of my faves from these sets!! The complete 33 image abandoned house self portrait set, 67 image set of me with purple/blue hair, the 38 image b&w self portrait set, and the 21 image color self portrait set are all available to photo members!

    Become a member today for instant access to my entire archive <3

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  • Imitation

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