I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 29th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    This week I just want to share a ton of positive affirmations with you.  <3

    I awaken each morning with happiness and gratitude.

    I find joy in everything that I do.

    I love to share laughter with others.

    By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well.

    Happiness is my natural state of being.

    I am able to be completely myself in my relationship.

    I communicate my desires and needs clearly and confidently.

    I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success.

    I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

    I never lose, I either learn or I win.

    I easily find solutions to challenges and move past them quickly.

    I live in the present and am confident in the future.

    I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations.

    I always see the good in others.

    I attract positive confident people.

    I love myself deeply and completely.

    I know that I am worthy of the best things in life.

    I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.

    I trust myself and know that my inner wisdom is my best guide.

    I nourish my body with healthy food.

    Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and good health.

    Every inhale brings in positive energy, every exhale expels negativity.

    I surround myself with peaceful, loving people.

    I release past anger and hurt and attract peace, love, and joy.

    I am grateful for this moment and find joy in it.

    I am here now.

    I am fully present in all of my relationships.

    I release the past and live fully in the present.

    All is well in my world.

    I love you, you’re the absolute best. <3 Enjoy these self portraits with my sister Gemini.

    All members have access to the complete 51 image photoset by clicking here & the complete 38 image photoset by clicking here.


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 15th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I have been passing this abandoned house for months and months and just drooling over it because I know it’s abandoned and it’s GOT to be awesome inside. The downside is it’s right on a busy road and is very visible all around it, so I’ve been chicken to scout it out because I don’t want to get caught.

    Fast forward to a couple weeks ago my friend Colorvibes, a local model & photographer, posted a photo from inside an abandoned house asking who wanted to model in it for her. I of course volunteered and we scheduled a day that weekend to shoot. Guess which abandoned house it was?! THE ONE I’VE BEEN ITCHING TO GET INTO FOR MONTHS! (Law of attraction, man it really freakin works)

    She showed me around the house, which was bigger inside than I thought it would be, and we took photos in several of the rooms. Three rooms in particular really stuck out to me, one with a huge set of windows that still had sheer curtains on them, one with pink walls and teal carpet, and a room upstairs that had a bunch of paint cans all over the floor. I also really really love the front porch, ivy is starting to take over and it’s so pretty and green. We had to be pretty careful out there though, the front faces the busy road so we had to make sure nobody was looking. I took a couple of behind the scenes timelapses for you, and colorvibes is awesome and agreed to take some Instax for you too!

    All members have access to this complete 44 image photoset by clicking here.

  • Art Nuance & Evyenia Karapolous

    Video members now have access to:

    • vlog with the story behind these photosets with Nuance Artistry and Evyenia Karapolous
    • 16 image complete photoset in the studio
    • 6 image complete photoset with Evyenia
    • 22 image complete photoset at the abandoned Mill
    • 6 BTS videos
    • 20 minute nude yoga video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 15 BTS photos from Roarie Yum‘s shoot with PhotoWyse
    • 9 BTS videos from Roarie & PhotoWyse’s shoot

    Become a member to gain instant access!

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    I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 8th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Mercury retrograde starts tomorrow and continues until May 3rd. This might be why I feel like I’ve been in a funk lately! What is Mercury retrograde and why should I care about it? When a planet is in retrograde it appears to be moving backward in its orbit as viewed from Earth. Retrograde comes from the Latin term “retrogradus” which means “backward step.” The planets, moon, sun, and stars all affect things that happen here on Earth, and Mercury (named after the Greek messenger god) governs communication and transportation. When Mercury is in retrograde its positive influence is turned into more of a “negative” one. Since Mercury governs communication, transportation, and everything that goes along with it (contracts, business, documents, shipping, travel…) you will notice that those things tend to fall apart or become chaotic when Mercury is in retrograde. Things might get lost in the mail, a business meeting may go terribly wrong, or your car might break down. Astrologers recommend to not make any important plans or moves during Mercury retrograde because they most likely will not go well. I have a friend who won’t get any work done on his car, make any plans, or make any major purchases during Mercury retrograde. Pay attention to how things go for you now until May 3rd to see how Mercury retrograde affects you.

    Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are currently in retrograde. If you’d like to read more about what these planets affect when they are in retrograde, check out these links for Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. If you’d like to see where all the planets currently are I like this website.


    The sets I’m sharing today are from our time in San Antonio! My sister Gemini and I took SO MANY self portraits together at the airbnb we stayed at. There are a total of 7 sets, I haven’t even been able to go through all of them yet! I’ll be sharing a couple of sets at a time over the next several weeks. I really love them and I’m excited to show you all of them! We took all but one set in the back yard, there were a couple of interesting barns that made for wonderful backdrops. We were lucky and there was a privacy fence so the nearby neighbors had no idea! There was a guy fixing a roof a few houses away that might have seen us though….

    All members have access to the complete 38 image photoset by clicking here, and the complete 50 image photoset by clicking here.

  • Singingsiren44 in the Rocky Mountains

    Photo members now have access to:

    • vlog with the story behind this photoset of Singingsiren44 in the Rocky Mountains during my cross country road trip
    • 30 image complete photoset

    Video members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 19.5 minutes of BTS video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 37 image complete photoset of Tiffany Helms in abandoned ruins on Bainbridge Island
    • 14 minutes of BTS video
    • 7 BTS photos
    • 5 short BTS videos

    Become a member to gain instant access!

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  • Satya

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