May Virtual Nude Gathering!
In 2019 I facilitated 3 in-person nude gatherings and knew that I NEEDED to share more of these experiences with others. Then the pandemic happened and in-person events were no longer possible, so I’ve adapted nude gatherings for the virtual realm!!
Last month’s gathering went so well that I’m extending the length of this month’s gathering!
Several people mentioned they wished the event would be longer… y’all requested + I heard you + think that’s a wonderful idea!
Instead of 1 hour we’ll be gathering for 90 minutes!!
Saturday, May 8th at 1pm eastern
April’s attendees were from the USA, Malaysia, Germany, Netherlands + Australia.
Some of the feedback I got from April’s nude gathering:
“Before the gathering started I was very nervous about coming off as awkward, and also worried about how I would feel or react to a “room” full of naked bodies.
After it was over I honestly felt lighter, and slightly liberated. I left the room feeling great. It was very inclusive and affirming. I felt heard and connected with the other participants in a safe, non-sexual way… Which was a first for me!
I think everyone, especially those of us who hold marginalized identities, deserves the opportunity to experience nudity in this context. It can be very healing and beautiful.”
-AD“The somatic part was valuable. I appreciated being able to present my whole body on screen. I’m not an exhibitionist, but I do have body insecurity. Being fully seen and being accepted as I physically am and not judged is validating. Your fears and insecurities are probably based on a misconception of what the event will be like. We aren’t there to gawk at you. We aren’t there for sexual stimulation or arousal.”
-RB“Before the gathering I felt anxious, doubtful, scared, overwhelmed. Afterwards I felt grounded, seen, heard, respected, unashamed, hopeful that society is moving in the right direction.”
-MDNude gatherings are for moving past the societal conditioning that our nude bodies are inherently bad, sexual, or to be consumed by others, and reclaiming them as the magical vessels of life, love, and healing that they are.
Nude Gathering Itinerary:
dive in with quick tips + review of community guidelines
introductions (name, pronouns, feeling, movement)
group somatic practice
(break if needed)
group games/discussions
(break if needed)
journaling + feedback
Virtual nude gatherings are for folks who:
-appreciate and enjoy connecting with others in their community
-are able to communicate their ideas, feelings, and opinions while respecting others
-want to explore how it feels to be nude in a non-sexual setting
-are curious about expanding their comfort zoneThey are NOT for folks who:
-are only interested in nudity if it involves a sexual act of some kind
-want to watch everyone else and not participate
-are unable to communicate with or respect othersIf you think your friends would enjoy attending a virtual nude gathering, invite them to join!
I’m really looking forward to gathering with you 💗
Exploring nudity + encouraging self love,
Menstruation memes!!
I was sharing memes on instagram that included nude images but deleted them all when ig did their most recent update to the terms of service because I was scared of getting my account deleted AGAIN. My original account with 22.6k followers got deleted in October 2018 and I never got it back, so I really would like that to NOT happen again.
I still love the memes that I made and want to share them, so here are some of the ones that I used to have on my ig before I deleted them!
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Started bleeding yesterday during the full moon so HERE COME THE MENSTRUATION MEMES!
Almost any time I’m in a group of people with vulvas, at some point we end up talking about menstruation and I LOVE IT. I realize that a LOT of menstruators didn’t have a positive education or role model to teach them about their cycle so I want to normalize menstruation and discussions around it.
I’ve heard some horror stories about how folks first learned about menstruation and I don’t want anyone to have to go through a traumatic experience their first or 30th or 100th time having their period. Our bodies do this wonderful magical thing every month and we all deserve to be able to AT LEAST talk about it with each other and have resources available to us ABOUT OUR OWN BODIES!
Do you have a menstruation story you want to share? I’ll go first and share my story of my first time bleeding in the comments.
My first period: I was in 4th grade (yeah I started really young) and I was at the park with my mom and sister. I went to the bathroom to pee and when I wiped I saw BLOOD. At first I was scared but then I remembered that Mommy bleeds sometimes and that it’s a normal thing for some peoples bodies to do. When I left the bathroom I told my mom about it and she told me this was a special time in my life and that it means I’m growing up. After we went home, she took me out to eat, just me and her. She made me a bracelet to commemorate that time in my life, and she helped me with period products so I’d be prepared and not accidentally make a mess in my clothes. I realize that not everyone has positive “I just started my period for the first time” experiences, but I am so thankful that I was able to have these conversations with my mom.
Photo: Liam Woods / Portraitmami
Model/meme: me, Bunny Luna
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It’s important for me to talk about gender in conversations about menstruation, because I’ve seen a lot of transphobic discourse around this topic.
There are women who do not menstruate (for a variety of reasons), and there are menstruators who are not women (myself included).
An incomplete list of women who do not menstruate: trans women, women who have had hysterectomies, women who have gone through menopause, some intersex folks.
An incomplete list of menstruators who are not women: trans men, some non binary folks, some intersex folks.
Menstruation is something that impacts people of many genders, so when talking about menstruation please make sure you’re doing it in a way that’s inclusive.
Photo: Liam Woods / Portraitmami
Model/meme: me, Bunny Luna
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I have more to say about this than there is room in an ig caption, so here’s a list of thoughts…
-menstrual blood has healing powers
-menstrual blood is not “dirty” or “gross”, it is literally used to GROW A HUMAN BABY. If that’s not powerful magic then I don’t know what is
-abortion is a human right
-folks with vulvas aren’t solely here to procreate, and not everyone with a vulva even wants to have children
-every person has the right to choose what they do with/to/for their body
-menstruating humans have the ability to harness the healing and creative power of their menstrual blood
-I love using my blood for face masks and blood baths, the stem cells in my blood were MADE BY ME FOR ME and are excellent for my skin (you can do the same with yours too!)
-my blood connects me to the Earth and to myself, reminding me that I go through my own cycles of death and rebirthDo you have anything to share about menstruation? I’d love to talk about the power of our bodies in the comments!
Photo: Liam Woods / Portraitmami
Model/meme: me, Bunny Luna
Ecosexual memes!!
I was sharing memes on instagram that included nude images but deleted them all when ig did their most recent update to the terms of service because I was scared of getting my account deleted AGAIN. My original account with 22.6k followers got deleted in October 2018 and I never got it back, so I really would like that to NOT happen again.
I still love the memes that I made and want to share them, so here are some of the ones that I used to have on my ig before I deleted them!
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I first heard about ecosexuality through Charles Eisenstein’s essay “The Ecosexual Awakening” and ever since then my life has changed. I now see my entire life through an ecosexual lens. I truly believe that ecosexuality can assist in healing our society and our world.
I personally avoid saying “mother Earth” because mothers are (unfortunately, thanks to patriarchy) frequently exploited. It’s assumed that mothers are required to do all or most of the housework, cooking, childcare, etc and their work usually is unpaid and unappreciated. I have no intention of doing this to my actual mother or to the Earth.
My relationship to the Earth is one of reverence, worship, wonder, and love. I view the Earth as a best friend, teacher, partner, and lover. I strive to live my life in loving relationship to the Earth and receive such immense pleasure from simply being with and spending time with the Earth.
The Earth is sacred. We must treat it as sacred.
Photo, model + meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah during my 2019 cross country road trip)
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I personally use both ecosexual and demisexual as my primary sexual and romantic identities. Ecodemisexual maybe? Can I make that a thing? I think I will! It’s my own label so I am able to use what works best for ME.
If you consider yourself an ecosexual, you’re able to use that label in the way that works best for you. Anyone who says you SHOULD or HAVE TO use a label doesn’t have the right to do that, only you get to decide what label(s) work(s) best for you. The label(s) you use may or may not change over time, and that’s okay! Only you know what label(s) describe you best. How you identify is up to you, not anyone else.
Do you consider yourself an ecosexual? I have a feeling that more people probably are than they realize, simply because most people aren’t aware of what ecosexuality is. The understanding of labels makes it easier for us to know which ones are right for us.
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
Ecosexuality as an identity/label covers a broad range of experiences and in my opinion can be used to describe many different things about someone. For example: sexual attraction to others (including the Earth) while also covering a range of sexual desires (from asexual to allosexual), the importance of ecological health and healing to an individual, and their understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, creatures, ecosystems, and life on Earth.
For me, as an agender trans person, most sexuality labels didn’t feel like they fit me because of the gender component of a lot of LGBTQIA+ labels, some are too narrow and some are too broad. It took me a long time to find a label that fit me, that felt GOOD to use and felt TRUE to my lived experience. Ecosexuality allows me to explain my attraction to others in a way that includes the nuance of my gender, my demisexuality, and my passion and love for the Earth.
To be specific, I am ecodemi, and for me that means I am attracted to people of many gender expressions, and it’s the connection and interaction that I have with them, and the way they show up in the world, that determines my attraction to them.
Your specific definition of your ecosexuality may be similar to mine, or it may be completely different. That’s the beauty and magic of ecosexuality, as long as it includes the Earth as a lover, it can mean something different for each of us.
What’s your flavor of ecosexuality? Comment below, I’d love to hear your perspective/experience!
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
Have you ever seen a flower dripping with dew on a spring morning and marveled at its beauty and eroticism, feeling the urge to put your mouth on its delicate petals?
Have you ever felt your body come alive after jumping naked into a river, flushed with excitement and pleasure?
Have you ever become aroused while surrounded by a forest of tall thick trees, their presence changing something deep inside of you?
Do you yearn for the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin, the cool squish of mud between your toes, the gentle breeze softly reminding you that we all exist on an Earth that offers infinite sensual pleasures?If you feel a connection to any of those questions, or a longing for these sensual experiences, you might be an ecosexual.
What is your favorite way to connect to the erotic, sensual Earth?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
I want to talk about two topics that honestly deserve their own individual posts: sex and consent.
Let’s rethink our definition of what sex is. In this cisheteropatriarchal society, we are conditioned to believe that sex is P in V penetration. This definition excludes many people from the sex conversation, including but not limited to queer and disabled folks.
I invite us to redefine sex as any consensual, meaningful, pleasurable experience. This gives ALL of us room to define what sex is to us, individually. This means that a lot of us are probably having sex much more than we ever thought we were before.
Notice that this definition of sex includes CONSENT? This is extremely important, because if you don’t have consent, then it’s not sex, it’s rape.
Consent in relationship to the Earth is just as important as consent with people. It is possible to communicate with and receive consent from the Earth, it just doesn’t include the language that we are used to (verbal consent). Consent from the Earth may come in the form of an energetic pull or a felt sense knowing. It may come in the form of a dream or a whisper in the wind. It may come in the form of a being joining you in meditation to give you a message or a sign.
Consent with the Earth isn’t always as straightforward as consent with people. We have to listen harder, feel deeper, and trust that the Earth will share their message with us when they are ready. We must not rush, or push, or pry, or force. We must be quiet, and open to receive.
Have you received consent from the Earth? What was that experience like for you?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
If we have learned one thing from this pandemic, it’s that we are ALL interconnected. This doesn’t only involve the interconnectedness of people, but also our connection to animals, plants, insects, bacteria, forests, oceans, deserts, rivers. We all exist together on this planet, we are all connected, and we all influence each other whether we realize it or not.
Part of my personal ecosexuality is recognizing the impact of colonization, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism, racism, ageism, ableism (…all the -isms). Recognizing that these systems of oppression exist and impact each other and every one of us (including the Earth). As beings existing on this planet at this time we are all a part of these systems, whether we realize it or not, whether we see the direct impact we make or not.
This also means that we each individually have the potential to make POSITIVE CHANGE in ourselves and our communities, which in turn impacts the rest of the planet. Every action and every inaction adds up for each and every one of us.
Imagine what the world would be like if we all collectively chose to live in right relationship with the Earth and each other. If we all actively put in the work to decolonize societies and the planet. If we all live from a heart-centered place, with healthy boundaries and an understanding of how powerful we are. If we all live our lives from a place of love, compassion, generosity, and empathy instead of from a place of fear and separation. This is the world I want to live in.
When did you first realize how connected you are to the rest of the world?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
MEMES! Gender, labels, + consent, oh my!
I was sharing memes on instagram that included nude images but deleted them all when ig did their most recent update to the terms of service because I was scared of getting my account deleted AGAIN. My original account with 22.6k followers got deleted in October 2018 and I never got it back, so I really would like that to NOT happen again.
I still love the memes that I made and want to share them, so here are some of the ones that I used to have on my ig before I deleted them!
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Photo: Chip Willis
Model + meme: me, Bunny LunaI am angry today so I am channeling that anger into making my first ever meme. Hah, it’s funny that I’m choosing this as my first post since my hibernation. (TW: breach of consent) This meme is dedicated to the TWO middle aged white men who assumed it was okay to touch me without consent yesterday.
They obviously felt entitled to my body because I have a vulva and am younger than them? One rubbed my freshly cut hair on the top of my head, without asking or commenting or anything, just touched me out of nowhere. The other literally pulled me by the arm so I could pose for him in front of some photos of mine, and then proceeded to move my arm to get me to pose in a certain way. He didn’t even ASK if I wanted to take a photo. I told him my rates, and he laughed.
Original caption:
Labels are complicated, and have the potential to be both positive AND negative. As someone who has learned a lot about themself over the last year, and changed quite a bit, labels have been something I’ve honestly struggled with. It’s easy to say that labels are not important, and they don’t have to be if you don’t want them to, but for some people they’re incredibly important, especially when you’re trying to figure out who you are.
Labels are positive in that they help us figure out what space we occupy in the world, they help us describe ourselves to others, and they help us find community and people who are similar to us. Labels can be negative when people assume incorrect things about us, put is in boxes that don’t fit us, or when they refuse to see us for who we really are.
It feels awful to be labeled as something you’re not, and it feels amazing and is so affirming when someone uses the correct label(s) to describe you. No matter what, only YOU can choose what labels are right for you. There is nobody who knows you better than yourself.
Some labels that I personally use because they feel right and true for me: non binary, queer, ecosexual, non monogamous, artist, witch, demisexual, creative, sproutling (my mom came up with this to describe me to others instead of saying that I’m her adult child and I love it!)
What labels do you use that feel authentic to you?
Self portrait taken in Utah during my 69 day cross country road trip in 2019 (before I cut my hair obviously).
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Never touch anyone without their explicit consent. Yes, this includes hugs with friends and family, asking or talking about someone’s tattoos/clothes/hair, directing a model for a photoshoot, posing with another model, kissing your crush…
The ONLY exception to this that I can think of is if that person is in immediate danger and there is literally no time to ask for consent.
Keep in mind, consent is not only for physical touch. You should also get consent when flirting with someone, commenting on someone’s body, sharing difficult or potentially triggering information, sharing a story someone told you with someone else, posting photos of people… basically if it involves someone else, you probably need their consent.
Have something to share about consent? I’d love to read your thoughts/stories in the comments!
Words: Douglas Pierce
Photo + meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
I didn’t save the caption for this one, but it’s pretty self explanatory. =]
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I am not the person I was a year ago, or last week, or yesterday. You probably aren’t either. We are all on perpetual journeys of growth and expansion. Every day we learn something about ourselves, every day we become a newer version of who we know ourselves to be.
Without change there is no innovation, no deeper understanding, no growth. You are a bottomless ocean filled with gifts unknown, until you dive in and explore your depths.
Photo + meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Colorado)
Original caption:
I recently had a really difficult conversation about my gender with a family member who is unwilling to do the work to understand and accept me for who I am. Their response to my being non binary was that I’ going through an “identity crisis” and it’s something that I’ll “grow out of” once I figure myself out.
It’s especially frustrating to me that they feel that way, because I know myself better now that I ever have. I know that I can’t make them see me for who I truly am, and that’s their work to do, not mine. It still hurts that someone I love doesn’t actually know me and instead chooses to only see me as the person they thought I was when I was younger and didn’t know myself.
I will continue to correct them when they misgender me (which is something I am constantly struggling with and tend to just stay quiet about it), because I want them to know that this is ME, not an “identity crisis” that I’ll “grow out of”
Sending lots of love to all of my trans siblings who have to deal with this every day. It’s really hard, and you deserve to be honored and acknowledged in your gender. I see you. I honor you. You are valid and important and I love you for WHO YOU ARE.
Photo/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Colorado)
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I moved through the first 28ish years of my life carrying the layers of expectations and assumptions of society that were thrown on top of me as a child before I knew I had any other option. Now that I know more about how the world works, I realize that I’ve been holding on to many things that are not truly mine. Parts of me buckled under that oppressive weight of binary gender, compulsory cis hetero monogamy, religion, racism, and capitalism (among others).
I am choosing to let go of the layers of anything that is not for the benefit of myself and the earth. It is a constant shedding, and it is not easy, but it is worth it. I wake every day with less of what isn’t mine so that I can understand what truly IS for me. I learn who I am by questioning.
Self portrait in Colorado
Hi friends! I’m excited to be here today to invite you, formally invite you, all of you, to the virtual nude gathering that I’ll be hosting very soon! Coming up on Saturday April 10th. I’m so excited! This will be the second virtual nude gathering I’ve done. I’ve previously done 3 in person nude gatherings which were INCREDIBLE so with that experience I’m really excited to be offering these experiences online. If you wanna get naked “in person” with me and a bunch of other cool people that wanna just hang out naked in a non sexual context and get to know each other and spend time and be in our bodies. You are invited!
You get in for FREE using code “BLMBR” I’ll put it in the caption below so you don’t have to worry about writing it down or anything. Yeah I’m so excited. These events, I had originally thought about doing it for members only but I think I’m going to have all of them available for the public and members. I might in the future do some members only things, but for right now I’m excited to be able to invite the public so that we have a larger group of people so that we can really be excited and naked in community together. If it was members only it would be a really small group, and I’m excited to open the doors and welcome more people into this cool space with us.
You’re invited! Saturday April 10th at 1pm eastern time, it’ll be on zoom. All the information is in the eventbrite that I’m going to link below. Use code BLMBR to get in for free. Uhm what am I missing? I think that’s most of the information. There’s a whole bunch more information on the eventbrite so just click the link I’m going to have it below. Yeah please register I would love to see your face there. Let’s hang out naked! I’m excited!
Okay is there anything else I want to talk to you about? I think very soon I’m going to make another poll, another survey thing to see what kinds of things you’re interested in learning from me in a more specific way. I have the answers from yall from before which is helping me make decisions already in terms of what kind of content I’m going to be creating. Uhm yeah I don’t want to go too much into that, but I’m just excited about this nude gathering that’s super soon. You’re invited please come I would love to see you! MWAH!
USE CODE ‘BLMBR’ TO GET IN FREEClick here for access to my archives!
Click here for the password, it changes the 1st of every monthImage: Jacob Webster July 2019
Models left to right: Eric, Kayla Webster, Liana Pilar, Shawnna Lee, Sura, me
Location: nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 16th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Yay I’m excited to share this self portrait set with you! I took it in August when I went to Tampa to take my brother in law’s girlfriend’s maternity photos. She was even comfortable with me taking a few rolls of her nude, and has allowed me to share them with you! That set is for some time in the future (but First Look members have access to it now!). Back to this set, now that I have you all excited about that future maternity set haha sorry for the tease!
I took this self portrait set in the airbnb I stayed in on the very first morning I was there. I took advantage of the morning light, and you probably recognize that kitchen! I’ve already shared a digital self portrait set I shot there the same day. It was really wonderful to wake up and have an entire house all to myself to do whatever I wanted. Of course I wanted to take a bunch of photos for all of you! This is when I used my Nikon N80 for the first time, and I took a chance and used expired film on top of not testing out the camera before I left, which I probably should have done. I guess I’m super lucky that there was nothing wrong with the camera OR the film! I just got some fun funky colors, but I love that kind of unexpected surprise from expired film. I shot an expired roll once that all the photos came out in pinks and purples! I will probably never stop shooting film, it is absolutely my favorite artistic medium. Film forever! <3
Video members have a bunch of awesome new videos to watch! I’ve added a 7.5 minute video of me nude exploring shapes and body movements AND I’ve also added 6 aerial silks videos to the galleries!
All members have access to this complete 24 image photoset by clicking here, the 7.5 minute video of me nude exploring shapes and body movements by clicking here, and 6 aerial silks videos by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 9th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
My trip to Philly over the summer was ridiculously productive and I love it! I tend to have cycles of being really creative and productive and then I go through stretches of time when I barely create at all. I’ve been so busy with my new(ish) job at the camera store, going to aerial silks classes twice a week, modeling for figure drawing sessions, spending time at home with Antisocialdisposition, and visiting family over the holidays that I’ve only had a handful of shoots over the past few months. I’ve not modeled much recently, I’ve mostly been photographing others. I’m working on allowing myself to follow my natural currents and cycles and so far I think it’s worked pretty well for me. I realize that I shouldn’t push myself so much to do things that I feel like I SHOULD do when I don’t really feel like doing them. If I just follow the natural flow of my life things tend to work out better. Sometimes it’s a struggle but I’m working on letting go, listening, and allowing. <3
I’m sharing three sets from two different shoots: when I photographed Tiffany Helms & Caitlin Michele in an abandoned building, and when DWL Photo and I found an awesome tunnel. I’ve posted several blogs with sets from my Philly trip already: photos I took of Vex Voir & Luna Dahlia, photos Tiffany Helms & Jeff Waters took of me, other sets taken by DWL Photo, and sets taken by Vinny Kim. I even have a few more sets to share, can you believe it?! I can’t wait to go on another adventure full of exploring new places and creating to my heart’s content!
There’s now have a bts location video from my shoot with DWL Photo to watch, along with a 9.5 minute video of me doing yoga in my back yard over the summer (I miss warmth!!!) and a 8 minute timelapse video of me organizing my film (I took my shirt off halfway through haha).
All members have access to this complete 9 image photoset of Tiffany Helms by clicking here, the 8 image photoset of Caitlin Michele by clicking here, the 16 image photoset taken by DWL photo by clicking here, the bts location video from my shoot with DWL Photo by clicking here, the 9.5 minute video of me doing yoga in my back yard over the summer by clicking here, and a 8 minute timelapse video of me organizing my film by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 2nd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
If you’ve been here for a little while or you have archive access, you’ve probably already seen some of the sets that Edgar and I created last time I was in Chicago. We created so much that day and I’m excited to share this bathtub set with you! We started out with a plain bath and then added one of my favorite bath bombs from Blood Lily Bath that turns the water dramatically black. The bathtub was huge and super slippery of course so it was actually pretty difficult for me to pose in but we were able to create a lot of really great images despite the bathtub challenge.
In other news, my birthday was on Thursday (Nov 30) and it was wonderful! Antisocialdisposition took some time off from school and working on the NASA USLI project to spend extra time with me which made me feel extra special. Wednesday night we drove almost 2 hours to Greensboro to watch Devin Townsend in concert. He is one of AD & my favorite musicians and we have made it a point to see him every time he visits anywhere near us. The 2 times we saw him before this one we drove all the way to Atlanta (4 hrs away)! The show was amazing as always, and I bought my favorite album of his (Addicted) at the merch booth before we left. It has been playing nonstop in my car since the concert. We got home late, went to bed, slept in and had a lazy morning, then he went to campus to work for a few hours and I had the afternoon to myself. I treated myself to an awesome bath, complete with a crystal grid of course, and read from my new book that AD got me for my birthday, The Hidden Life of Trees. I’m only a couple of chapters in and I really love it so far! I worked on a special new project for a couple of hours, then AD came home and we went to our favorite sushi place! I’m one lucky human.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend filled with all of your favorite things! <3
Video tier! I’ve just uploaded:
10 videos to show you how I celebrated my birthday (Devin Townsend concert, bathtime with crystals, & sugar consumption yay), a butt-centric body movement video, &9 cheeky boomerangs with my sister Gemini.
All members have access to this complete 36 image photoset by clicking here, the 10 videos to show you how I celebrated my birthday by clicking here, the body movement video by clicking here, & 9 cheeky boomerangs with my sister Gemini by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 25th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
You may recognize this location, last month I posted a set I took of Colorvibes in this same house. I’m so lucky that I know some really wonderful and talented artists locally. I really enjoy being able to create with people multiple times, I feel like each time we come together we’re able to pick up where we left off, nurturing a deeper sense of connection and making more meaningful images each time. This location was special to her, an abandoned house owned by her dad that we had permission to shoot in. She was hurt when he had contractors start tearing it up for renovation and we were lucky enough to be able to shoot there before it was changed forever. We photographed each other and she used expired film to shoot me which gave all of the images a really interesting green hue. I love being surprised by film.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday! I’ve been spending time with family and friends, which is the only thing that’s important to me during this season. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! <3
I’ve got lots of awesome silks videos for you this week! 9 to be exact… with lots of drops! Chair drop, 3 different fuseballs, & tick tock drop. Tick tock was the hardest for me so the exit is pretty messy but I’m really proud that I did it! I can’t wait to do it again next time we’re in that unit so I can see all the progress I’ll make!
You’ll also find 35 of my favorite Instastories including some time at an art show, exploring Asheville, pondering the internet vlog, and some BTS from a recent shoot.
All members have access to this complete 26 image photoset by clicking here, the 6 image Instax set by clicking here, the aerial silks videos by clicking here, and the instastories by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 18th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Roarie Yum is an incredible model and I have been lucky enough to photograph them a few times. The last time they was in town Antisocialdisposition and I hired them for a couple of hours specifically to shoot double exposures over rolls of film I already shot of inspiring landscapes. We did a very similar shoot with Kyotocat last year, you can find it in the October 2016 archive.
I had a roll of film that part of it was shot when we were in Utah summer 2016 and the other part of the roll I shot in the NC mountains. The other roll I used was one I took in Shenandoah National Park this past July. I double exposed these rolls with Roarie and got magic! Some of them lined up in ways that I couldn’t have imagined, and that’s the magic of double exposures. I love the unexpected imperfect perfection that sometimes happens, if that makes any sense at all. Haha.
Our friend Scott let us use his studio and set up the lighting for us. He took the BTS photo below. AD and I took turns photographing Roarie and got a surprising number of rolls of film shot in just a couple of hours.
I really really love double exposures. I haven’t taken as many lately as I used to so it was really nice to finally get back to doing some.
I’ve added 3 bts videos from the shoot along with 42 bts photos for video tier patrons.
There’s also a timelapse video of me (nude) painting with my mom in the video gallery. I sent these paintings to 4 of the higher tier patrons, I hope you like them! <3
BTS photo taken by Scott!
All members have access to this complete 14 image photoset doubled with Shenandoah National Park by clicking here, the 10 image Utah & NC landscapes doubles by clicking here, the BTS photo & video by clicking here, and the nude painting with my mom by clicking here.